
전생 (Former Life, Former Existence)

μ‚°μ˜€λ¦„κ³Άμžμ™ˆμƒνƒœμˆ²μ—°κ΅¬μ†Œ 2009. 10. 20. 23:39


ν•œ λ‚¨μžκ°€ μžμ‹ μ˜ 전생을 μ•Œκ³  μ‹Άμ–΄ μ΅œλ©΄μˆ μ‚¬λ₯Ό μ°Ύμ•„κ°”λ‹€

Oneday, A man went to see a hypnotist for finding out his former life

μ΅œλ©΄μˆ μ‚¬ : 자 μ§€κΈˆ 무엇이 λ³΄μ΄λ‚˜μš”?

  hypnotist :  What do you see now?

λ‚¨μž: λ„€, μ§€κΈˆ μ—¬λŸ¬ μ‚¬λžŒμ΄ λ³΄μž…λ‹ˆλ‹€.
a man : So many people can be seen~

μ΅œλ©΄μˆ μ‚¬: 그듀이 λ­˜ν•˜κ³  μžˆλ‚˜μš”?
  hypnotist :  Now, What are they doing?

λ‚¨μž: λ„€, λͺ¨λ‘ μ €μ—κ²Œ μ ˆμ„ ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

  a man : All of them bow down to the ground to me

μ΅œλ©΄μˆ μ‚¬: λ„€ λμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€. λˆˆμ„ λœ¨μ„Έμš”. ν•˜λ‚˜,λ‘˜,μ…‹!

  hypnotist : Well It's OK!! Wake up ~ one, two, three!!!

λ‚¨μž: μ„ μƒλ‹˜! μ œκ°€ μ „μƒμ˜ μ™•μ΄μ—ˆλ‚˜ λ΄…λ‹ˆλ‹€.

    a man : Sir! May be~ I was a King~ 








μ΅œλ©΄μˆ μ‚¬: 당신은 왕이 μ•„λ‹ˆλΌ 돼지 λ¨Έλ¦¬μ˜€μŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

 hypnotist : Oh! no~ I'm sure that you are not a king
                           but a swine head γ…‹γ…‹γ…‹



[좜처]:λ”λˆμ΄μ˜ 쒋은 μ΄μ•ΌκΈ°μ€‘μ—μ„œ